Running a competition on The Competition Platform is a great way of promoting your brand and engaging with an audience.
For that competition to be a success, there are things you need to consider.
Before the competition
Setting goals – Firstly, before setting up the competition. Think about what you want to achieve. Do you want to increase sales of your bestselling product? Or perhaps you want to encourage people to sign up for your mailing list.
Choosing a prize – A key part of the competition is deciding on what prize you want to offer. The prize is the main attraction so it has to be something people want to win. The prize can also link to what you want your competition to achieve. If you’re looking to sell more of your most popular product then offering it as a prize either on its own or as a part of a bundle is the way to go.
Running the competition
Once the competition is up and running. You can promote it to make more people aware of it and increase entries. Share it on your social media channels to get more exposure.
Following up
Once your competition has ended, it’s time to capitalise on the positive publicity and re-engage with those people who’ve entered your competition. This will help cement your relationship with them and also help stop them from drifting away.
The aftermath of your competition is a great time to offer discounts on your products or services to help convert those people into customers.
You can also run another competition as regular competitions consistently engage with your audience and grow your brand especially if you share your competitions with as many people as possible.
Top tips
Use a great image – A high-quality image of your prize will make your competition stand out and be more memorable to people and encourage them to enter the competition.
Be descriptive – The description of the prize and your brand needs to make your brand/prize even more enticing, be clear on what you can offer people.
Get users involved on social media – Having a strong social media presence is key for your brand in the modern world. So, sharing the competition on your social media channels should be high up in your thoughts.
Prize bundle – Providing a bundle of prizes is great for exposing your brand to a wider audience. Bundles of products that complement each other work really well.
To sponsor a prize for a competition, call 0114 3990 828 or email