At The Competition Platform, we work with a wide variety of titles, so there’s bound to be one that will suit your audience.
We’ve written blog posts on all the titles we work with so you can find the right title for your brand. This is our guide to Cosmopolitan.
Cosmopolitan is one of the most recognisable and influential brands globally and the biggest young women’s magazine in the UK, reaching 1 in 4 young women. Empowering young women to conquer their biggest challenges in love, life and career.
With its social-obsessed audience, Cosmopolitan follows its readers throughout their day. With easy-to-navigate features offering advice on how to start the day, tips on how to keep healthy throughout it, plus the latest career advice, the most current fashion and beauty trends for a lunch-time shopping break, followed by inspirational lifestyle and also relationship stories.
Cosmopolitan competitions site stats
Site views per month: 1,492,150
Site visits per month : 65,340
Typical entries per month : 15,490 – 20,546
Readership Profiles
Cosmopolitan has the HIGHEST adult readership in the UK of any female magazine brand
In fact, the Cosmopolitan Generation make up 26% of the UK population
Cosmopolitan readers are also early adopters of technology who check their phones 43 times daily
In addition to this, Cosmopolitan readers spend £40 million more on skincare & cosmetics than those of its competitors
ABC1: 69%
AB: 35%
Median Age of the Cosmopolitan reader: 28%
Competitions & Prize Sponsor benefits
Why become a competition sponsor?
The minimum prize value (MPV) for this publication is £500
Benefits of providing prizes for competitions.
- This is a unique opportunity to promote existing products and services or promote new opportunities.
- Positive brand association
- 4 weeks’ promotion
- The brand images and also product description used in the blurb
- The multi-choice question tied to the brand for brand reinforcement
- Marketing of the competition
Only available to the prize sponsor
Prize Sponsor Benefits:
You also have the option to take the following features (Additional cost applies for these features)
Data capture ‐ This is a brilliant opportunity to ask the users engaging with the competition if they would like to opt-in to hear from the Brand. This compares favourably to most other data capture opportunities, has brilliant responses and is also compliant with all UK laws including GDPR.
In this publication, you will typically receive between 355-661 unique opted-in individuals requesting more information. You can read more about the benefits of data capture here.
Links ‐ These can be used for driving traffic as well as for helping with SEO.
Embedded video ‐ if you have a promotional video we can include this in the competition text.
Additional promotion via social media, main newsletters, etc ‐ Please ask for availability and costs.
To run a competition on Cosmopolitan, call us on 0114 3990 828 or email