Runner’s World PR opportunity

Runner’s World PR opportunity

Runner’s World is looking for a brand to provide a prize for the competitions section of their website. The competition will run for four weeks and also be promoted to the readers, generating fantastic exposure for your brand. Runner’s World offers advice,...
How competitions can help increase sales

16 suggestions for great prizes

Sponsoring prizes is one of the best ways to promote awareness of your brand & reach new audiences. Furthermore, competitions are a brilliant way to engage with your audience.  At The Competition Platform, we work with a variety of titles. Allowing the brands...
Prima summer holidays PR opportunity

Prima summer holidays PR opportunity

Prima is looking for a brand to provide a prize for their summer holidays focused competition.  The competition will run for 4 weeks, starting on the 9th of June and ending on the 7th of July and be promoted to the online readers as well as featuring in a special...